Cancellation from and Restoration to the Register



On this page: Cancellation from the Register | Restoring your name to the Register



Cancellation from the Register

If you wish to have your name cancelled from the Register of Optometrists or Dispensing Opticians, please log into your MYODOB portal and navigate to the forms page, where you can submit an application for cancellation. Please contact the office at if you do not have access to your portal. 

Once your application has been considered, you will be notified of the outcome of your application by the Registrar or Deputy Registrar.


Restoring your name to the Register

If you were previously registered with the ODOB and your registration or name was cancelled from the Register, you can apply through your MYODOB portal on the forms tab for restoration to the register; if you do not have access to the portal, please contact the office at or +64 4 381 9075.

If you were cancelled from the Register prior to 18 September 2004, you must submit a new application for registration.

  General Registration Application

Remember, to return to practice you must hold registration and have a current practising certificate. See our annual practising certificate page for more information.

If you have been out of practise for 3 years or more, consideration under the relevant Re-joining the workforce policy will be applied.