General Registration Application Personal Info

Please be sure to open each of the tabs to update/review your information

Please select your title from the drop-down list in the designated field. This will help us address you appropriately and ensure accurate communication.
Please share your preferred pronouns (e.g., he/him, she/her, they/them) to help us communicate with you respectfully. Your input is valued and ensures we address you appropriately.

All registered practitioners must provide the Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board (ODOB) with current contact details. You must update your details promptly if there is any change of your contact information, including postal and email addresses.

Please update any changes below.


The ODOB communicates important information with all registered practitioners. This includes practising certificate reminders and CPD specific communication, important notices or newsletters. If you wish to receive this, please tick that you agree below.

Mobile number should be: (+6421 122 333) OR (E.g. +6421 122 333)
Address Information
Home Address
Mailing Address
Work Address
Login Information